Application documents

Additional Support

Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation - Ökotárs Alapítvány (HEPF) in cooperation with Autonomia Foundation, Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DEMNET) and Carpathian Foundation-Hungary hereby announce a call for proposals to distribute the remaining funds of the NGO Fund of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for Hungarian NGOs, to provide additional grants for earlier supported projects of the NGO Fund.

The overall objective of the Hungarian NGO Fund is “strengthened civil society development and enhanced contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development” (in Hungary).

Through this call NGOs can complement their ongoing projects earlier supported by the NGO Fund with new activities and items which

  • serve the achievement of their original objectives,
  • are complementary to the earlier supported activities,
  • extend the originally planned results of the project and enhance their impact,
  • are primarily focusing on the enhanced communication and presentation of the project activities and results and are aiming to sustain the impacts of the project,

thus bring added value to the original project plan. Proposals must fulfill all the above criteria.

Any NGO can apply to this call which has earlier won within the macro, medium and micro calls announced in 2013 and 2014 and whose project will have not yet finish by the application deadline of this call. Priority is given (extra scores can be given during the assessment) to projects implemented in underprivileged regions or with such target groups. 

Applications may be submitted on-line until 15 September, 2015 (until 18.00).


Study trips for young people - NEW CALL

The goal of the study trips is to encourage young people to visit the Donor States (alone or in pairs) for a minimum of two weeks and explore good practices and examples that could be used to tackle different social problems of Hungary or might be used in social awareness raising. These practices must be shared and promoted in an easy-to-understand way via modern communication tools (blog, video sharing, facebook and other social media tools, etc.)

Application deadline: midnight, 31st January, 2015. 


Medium and micro projects 2014 - September

Applications can be submitted in medium (15,000-50,000 €) and micro (1,500-15,000 €) project categories in the following thematic areas: (1) democracy and human rights, (2) gender and equal opportunities, (3) community and organizational development, (4) youth and children issues, (5) environment and sustainable development, (6) provision of welfare and basic service to vulnerable groups, (7) empowerment of vulnerable groups, including Roma.

The activities of medium projects must result in an impact on a broader range of NGO i.e. contribute to the strengthening of the NGO sector in the wider sense, beyond the applicant organization. Therefore the NGO Fund will support projects with impacts and outcomes that can serve as models and be used by other civic organizations and bring progress for the civil sector. Project promoters must proactively help develop other groups and communicate their good practices in order to transfer their experience.

The objective of micro projects is to develop and activate the applicants’ smaller communities (geographic, professional, etc.) within their own fields of action: as a result of the project, the applicants must become capable to better mobilize their own resources for the sake of local and public goals in the areas listed above.

The duration of a project can be maximum 14 months while there is no minimum duration.

Applications must be submitted in a two-phase process in both categories: after the evaluation of the short project concepts the applicants approved for the 2nd phase can submit a detailed application. First phase applications may be submitted on-line between 1 September 2014  and  15 October 2015 (until 18.00).

Second phase applications may be submitted on-line until 5 January, 2015 (until 18.00).

Action projects

The Action project call was modified in August, 2015.

The objective of the call is to support the organization and implementation of campaigns, joint mobilizing and advocacy actions, ad-hoc coalitions. Campaign is interpreted as a set of short, intensive activities that uses the media skillfully and reaches out to wide target groups with strong communication. Mobilizing and advocacy actions are grass-root initiatives taking concrete steps (e.g petitions, demonstrations) with the involvement of the broader public towards achieving a realistic, achievable and current solution to a social problem that is in line with the issues of the call. The issues must address one or several of the below horizontal concerns of the EEA/Norway grants.

Thus any ideas are welcome, which

  • raise awareness towards a concrete and current/acute social problem or issue,
  • introduce such issues to the lay public with strong communication (at public places or online),
  • motivate wide target groups to do something about these (individually or as a community),
  • are able to address new target groups (which haven’t participated in such actions yet) and provides opportunity for active involvement,
  • contribute to the solution of the problems in order to change or improve the present situation,
  • use diverse methods including modern online tools, are able to reach publicity and use the media and the press in a conscientious manner.

Conferences, festivals, annual or other regularly occurring events organized without basic changes from year to year, (child)camps, primarily cultural or sports events with mainly recreation purpose, simple charity activities, projects aiming basically to build the local community and any other events not reaching new target groups are not considered campaigns for the purposes of this call.

Applications can be submitted continuously from the publication of the call until the end of 2015 (31 December, 24.00 p.m.) or until the budget is exhausted, whichever occurs first. The actions/campaigns must be closed by 30. April, 2016.

Study trips for young people

The goal of the study trips is to encourage young people to visit the Donor States (alone or in pairs) for a minimum of two weeks and explore good practices and examples that could be used to tackle different social problems of Hungary or might be used in social awareness raising. These practices must be shared and promoted in an easy-to-understand way via modern communication tools (blog, video sharing, facebook and other social media tools, etc.)

Application deadline: midnight, 31st January, 2014. 

Internships 2013-2014

The aim of the internship grant is to support Hungarian NGO professionals to visit and learn from the practical experience of NGOs working in the Donor States (Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein). Interns should “import” and adapt good practices of the host countries’ NGOs in the fields of advocacy, community participation, constituency building and fundraising and also to contribute to strengthening bilateral relations between Hungary and the Donor States.

Internships must be minimum 3 month and maximum 5 month long.

The application process is one-phase, deadline is 6 p.m. 22 January 2014 (Wednesday).

Other documents


If you like to read the documents of the already closed closed calls, please click to HERE.