Closed call for proposals

Medium and micro projects 2014

Applications can be submitted in medium (20,000-70,000 €) and micro (1,500-20,000 €) project categories in the following thematic areas: (1) democracy and human rights, (2) gender and equal opportunities, (3) community and organizational development, (4) youth and children issues, (5) environment and sustainable development, (6) provision of welfare and basic service to vulnerable groups, (7) empowerment of vulnerable groups, including Roma.

The activities of medium projects must result in an impact on a broader range of NGO i.e. contribute to the strengthening of the NGO sector in the wider sense, beyond the applicant organization. Therefore the NGO Fund will support projects with impacts and outcomes that can serve as models and be used by other civic organizations and bring progress for the civil sector. Project promoters must proactively help develop other groups and communicate their good practices in order to transfer their experience.

The objective of micro projects is to develop and activate the applicants’ smaller communities (geographic, professional, etc.) within their own fields of action: as a result of the project, the applicants must become capable to better mobilize their own resources for the sake of local and public goals in the areas listed above.

The duration of a project can be maximum 21 months while there is no minimum duration.

Applications must be submitted in a two-phase process in both categories: after the evaluation of the short project concepts the applicants approved for the 2nd phase can submit a detailed application. First phase applications may be submitted on-line between 13 January and 27 Febrary, 2014 (until 18.00).

Second phase applications may be submitted on-line between 18 April and 2 June, 2014 (until 18.00).

Micro projects 2013

The general objective of micro-projects is to support smaller and medium-size Hungarian NGOs to work for the development of their own smaller and larger communities, mobilizing local sources for achieving local and general common goals, and enhance contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development.

Proposals shall be developed in one of the areas mentioned above: (1) democracy and human rights, (2) gender and equal opportunities, (3) community and organizational development, (4) youth and children issues, (5) environment and sustainable development, (6) provision of welfare and basic service to vulnerable groups, (7) empowerment of vulnerable groups, including Roma.

Macro projects 2013

Proposals may be submitted in the following two thematic areas:

Thematic area One: to strengthen nationwide and regional Hungarian advocacy and watchdog NGOs on the long run, develop their capacity and strategy AND to transfer their know-how, experience and skills to other organizations of the civil sector in the areas of (1) human rights and democracy, (2) gender and equal opportunities, (3) youth and children rights.

Thematic area Two: to strengthen nationwide and regional Hungarian community and organizational development NGOs on the long run, develop their capacity and strategy AND to transfer their know-how, experience and skills to other organizations of the sector.

In both areas, applicants have to undertake to transfer their knowledge and experience to other, smaller local and regional organizations/groups and to this end they have to provide training, mentoring, coaching, etc servives. Applicants must provide this support to at least 10 organizations in  Thematic are One and to 15 organizations in Thematic area Two.